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July 17, 2012


Hey Sarah,

This isn't watching, but you asked so here are the primary podcasts that I listen to -- generally I listen while sewing or knitting, cooking or tidying up, on the subway:

The Moth (http://themoth.org/)
Wait Wait Don't Tell Me (npr)
CraftLit (she has one that omits all the knitting/crocheting stuff at the beginning) -- public domain books read a chapter or so a week (A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Dracula, Little Women)
Chop Bard -- incredible reading of Shakespeare, most recently, Richard II

I generally listen via stitcher, but you could go via iTunes, too.

I especially like CraftLit because she taught high school English then college writing and does a good job setting up chapters, covering oddball information, presenting useful research. The readers have become better and better as her podcast has matured. http://crafting-a-life.com/craftlit/

Chop Bard, well, it's incredible. Ehren Ziegler hosts, breaking down the bard scene by scene. (He's reading Gulliver's Travels for CraftLit at the moment, and was one of the readers for Dracula.) http://www.inyourearshakespeare.com/chopbard.html

cheers, g

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