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August 29, 2011


I'm so glad you took Cowboy! At least for awhile. He likes to hump my dog Jasper at the park. (Jasper doesn't mind.) I will ask around and see if anyone I know can take him.

Thanks for spreading the word, Amanda. Some Ft Greene Park regulars are coming to meet Cowboy tonight, and because he's quick to bond, I'm hopeful. But I also want to be realistic that it may take more than one meet-and-greet to find this lover-bear a home!

Hi there,
This is Amanda. We met this morning at the park. The comment above (jasper) isn't me. But I did write a comment here yesterday that isn't showing up. Hmm. Weird. Anyway--here is a website I was talking about http://www.fosterdogsnyc.com/

Here's how to get a dog posted.

Thanks again for fostering him this week!!

Thanks so much for the extra info, Amanda (and the Adopt Me vest!). The couple who met Cowboy last night are interested in fostering him next week to get a better sense for him. So I'm going to hold off on additional postings for now, but if they decide they're not his forever family, I'll do another big push on listings.

Btw, your post is showing up fine, and I don't see one from Jasper...so, who knows?

Yay! Great news. Hope it all works out for everyone. Keep us posted!

Kath, thanks so much for being the center node that's gotten everyone connected! Will definitely keep the updates coming until we've gotten Cowboy settled somewhere great. (Were he not totally sklonked out after playing in the park this morning, I'm sure he'd thump his tail in assent.)

That is really great news, sarah!

You're more than welcome, Sarah. Happy to help! Hope to meet you in the park on Sat. AM during off-leash time.

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